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Tell us what you need

Request the therapy or course you have chosen through the Contact us page or call us on 0208 123 8309.


Quick Response

We will be in contact via telephone
or email.
If you have requested an online course, you will have access to
this within 24 hrs.


Choose a time

We can then schedule an appointment at a time convenient
for you… or you and your spouse.

"The goal of marriage is not to think alike, but to think together."



Will this work for us?

The Marriage Psychologist uses an integrative approach to couples therapy including Gottman Method Couples Therapy (GMCT) and Relational Life Therapy (RLT). These approaches both draw on the most powerful components of cognitive, behavioural, existential, narrative, systemic and psychodynamic couples therapies. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the Gottman Method stems from the fact that it is based on over 40 years of longitudinal research conducted with over 3000 married couples - the most extensive study ever done on marital stability. This research identified the 4 elements that are the greatest predictors of divorce with over 90% accuracy. The good news is that their therapeutic approach provides a detailed outline of the antidotes.

What is an intercultural relationship?

An intercultural relationship is one where the partners can be different ethnicities or the same race but have different backgrounds due to any number of factors such as upbringing, family values, or the place where they grew up. When a couple experience relationship problems, cultural differences can cause added stress and amplify the issues. So it is important that time is taken to understand and respect these.

Some might argue that every marriage is a cross-cultural partnership as no two people have exactly the same upbringing or life experiences.

Doesn’t therapy cause divorce?

Unfortunately, many people only come to therapy once things have reached crisis point in their marriage and one or both of them already have a foot out the door. So it is not surprising that couples therapy has gained a terrible reputation. However, as long as both individuals are committed to therapy, even the most difficult issues can be worked through effectively.

Can we stop whenever we want?

You are free to end therapy whenever you choose, however we recommend that you and your spouse make a personal commitment to try it out for at least 2 months (approximately 8 sessions).

Together we’ll find what's right for you.